Pipe Online - Retic Fittings , Plumbing Fittings, Reticulation Supplies supplied Australia wide



Leaf Beater Original

Keeps Rain harvesting system free from Mosquitoes, Vermin and debris

Easy to install, Improve water quality

Increase catchment efficiency, protect pumps and Household appliances

Leaf Beater Specifications




Leaf Eater Ultra

High flow rate performance

Single screen with 0.955mm Mosquito proof aperture

Modern, sleek design

combined with the latest Rain head Technology

Leaf Eater Ultra Specifications




Leaf Eater Advanced

Patented self cleaning design, Low maintenance

Superior flow rate at low and high rainfall

Leaf Eater Advanced Specifications

Item Price Min. QTY  

1a. Leaf Beater Original 90mm

$46.40 + GST

2a. Leaf Eater Advanced 90mm

$53.43 + GST

2b. Leaf Eater Advanced 100mm

$58.20 + GST

3a. Leaf Eater Ultra 90mm

$60.37 + GST

Stormwater Leaf Eater Ultra 100mm

$60.75 + GST